
I'll take the 10%: My Journey Through Chronic Fatigue, Benzo Withdrawal, DPDR and Psychosis

Warning This website is for informational purposes only. I am not giving medical advice, and anything attempted based on what you read here will be your responsibility. Background  I believe I was dealt the best and worst hand simultaneously. I was very lucky in that I was intelligent, attractive (despite the overbite), and had a good childhood. On the other hand, I was a weird kid. I had a funny walk because of my pelvic tilt. I couldn’t breathe through my nose so I had forward head posture as a result. I had exercise intolerance and low energy. Although I was one of the top students in my class, I was slower than the other kids; I couldn’t think on the spot and couldn’t follow group conversations. My head was in the clouds. I would zone out of conversations, interrupting with 'what?' every so often. When I was 17 I wrote a song called ‘half awake, half asleep’. I just felt out of it and couldn’t connect to the outside world. Like watching life as a spectator. At the